Monday, March 7, 2011

Pewter Casting

I went to a one day pewter casting workshop over the weekend.  It was a fun day out with my friend Pam.  We drove to Mineral Point, Wisconsin (which is a great little destination that deserves a posting all of its own).  The workshop was put on by Shake Rag Alley (again deserves a post of its own) and instructed by Eric Donaldson.  After a slow start (waiting for the plaster molds to cure) we finally did some casting in the afternoon.  Here are the two things I made, a little tulip charm and a salt spoon.  Any of you who know my wax carving will notice these are rather crude for my work.  But, I had fun and learned the basic process which was the idea.  I will definitely be doing more experimentation with this process.